Fricke KORN

It's harvest time for high-quality Korn!

As one of the largest agricultural machinery dealers in Germany, we know what our customers appreciate and what goes perfectly to a good deal. That's how one day the idea was born to produce a high-quality spirit ourselves. As a tradition-conscious company, only one type of spirit was suitable for us: Korn. Now we had to get rid of the image problem of the popular drink. For this reason in particular, we wanted to use only the finest products for our Korn.

The search began for a partner who not only had to meet our high standards, but also share our sense of craftsmanship tradition. In Lower Saxony we were finally convinced by a tradition-conscious distillery with its high level of expertise in the distillation of grain and made the artisan-oriented company our partner. The result was achieved together: A select grain that convinces experienced afficionados!